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So wie die Schneeglöckchen strecken auch wir uns der Sonne entgegen. Zurück aus dem Winterschlaf erwacht unser Seminarzentrum zu neuem Leben.

Wir freuen uns auf viele, bunte Seminare und besonders auf euch, liebe Gäste.

Spiritualität & Bewusst-Sein

Easter Retreat 2025 Glarisegg


Fully Alive Easter Retreat: A Journey with Tantra Yoga, Breathwork and Nature


This is not your usual yoga retreat. Take a break from everyday life and join us for this journey deep within yourself. Inviting aliveness and celebrating the spring awakening. Together, we are creating a choreography where intensity and expression alternate with silence and stillness, where the doing and the not doing dance together effortlessly.

Find the power of deep relaxation and the magic of your own energy in Kaula Tantra Yoga. And let our powerful breathwork practices guide you into feeling and transforming what is alive in you. These core practices are accompanied by meditation, singing, dancing, nature connection, and communication tools. All weaved together, leading you into a deep connection to yourself and existence.

30 Hours of Transformative Practices

⟐ Kaula Tantra Yoga
⟐ Breathwork
⟐ Community and Communication Tools
⟐ Active Meditation
⟐ Cacao Ceremony
⟐ Nature Connection
⟐ Partner Yoga
⟐ Singing
⟐ Dancing

This retreat will be guided in English. If you have concerns about that, please contact us at [email protected] – we can probably figure out a solution together.

Dates and Times
Start with dinner on Thursday, 17 April, 2025, at 18:30. Check-In is possible until 18:00.
End after lunch on Monday, 21 April, 2025, at around 14:00.

Find Out More and Book

To find out more about this retreat, visit our event page. There, you will also find the link to our registration form. Please first register with us there. After registration, we will send you an e-mail with further instructions on how to book accommodation and meals directly with Schloss Glarisegg seminar center.


  • Beginn

    Donnerstag, 17. April 2025 20:30
  • Ende

    Montag, 21. April 2025 16:00


  • Seminarleiter

Carmen Iten, Christian Marti
  • Seminarkosten

    To make this retreat accessible for everyone, we offer three different rates for the course price (based on self-assessment). Standard Rate: CHF 530; Financial Challenge: CHF 430; Supporter: CHF 630.

Kontakt und Anmeldung

Wichtiger Hinweis

  • Bitte erkundige Dich zuerst bei der Seminarleitung nach freien Kursplätzen und melde Dich direkt dort an. Anschliessend bitten wir Dich um Deine Buchung von Verpflegung und Unterkunft bei uns im Seminarzentrum Glarisegg über das unten angehängte Reservierungsformular. Vielen Dank.

Reservierung / Anfrage
für Verpflegung & Unterkunft

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    Seminarzentrum Glarisegg


    Schloss Glarisegg Betriebsgesellschaft GmbH
    Schloss Glarisegg 1
    CH-8266 Steckborn

    © Alle Rechte vorbehalten.