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So wie die Schneeglöckchen strecken auch wir uns der Sonne entgegen. Zurück aus dem Winterschlaf erwacht unser Seminarzentrum zu neuem Leben.

Wir freuen uns auf viele, bunte Seminare und besonders auf euch, liebe Gäste.

Kunst – Musik – Kreativität

Ecstatic Heart Journey with Umanaya & Shakya


Are you ready to let your heart explode and expand ?!

We invite you for a Journey, a Ritual, held by the Umanaya Tribe. This time we gonna share the mission that we strive for, to open and connect the Humans Hearts with our special guest Shakya. For this journey will use three main vehicles to travel together.

== The Ceremonial Cacao, this powerful medicine that is gonna help us to connect to our inner child, guiding us through the pulsations of our Heart.

== Two hour of free Movements, with a starting guidance, to connect this Heart to the Body and let it vibrate without words in an Ecstatic state. The intention is to let go what doesn’t serve you as fears, judgements, tensions, blocked emotions etc. to embody this Life force of Universal Love through dance and playfulness.

== The Sound of the Music that we gonna play live, to accompany the movements of your cells with the vibrations of the instruments.
==The Sound of our Voices that we gonna share together, to express in a «sound bath» what our Heart has to say and to manifest our Prayers through the Songs we will invite you to sing.


Umanaya (‹Humans of the Heart›) offers a captivating fusion of live instruments that awaken the senses, starting with a grounding introduction and guiding with sound.
Jacek carries you with the gentle melodies of the Handpan and makes all your cells dance with the craziness of his Beat-box and the rhythms of percussion.
Tiskae grounds you deep to the Earth with the vibrations of the ancient Didgeridoo and paints various landscapes with the Mouth Harp, the Hulusi and all kinds of flutes.
Nik brings you to the Space with the enchanting harmonies of the Guitar, and it’s special effects.

Shakya is a versatile musician, music producer and event organiser. With his music he loves to open spaces for spontaneous, free expression through movement, voice or touch, which for him are all gateways to lively, silent presence and heart-to-heart encounters.

~16:00 : doors opening
~16:30 : Warm up/grounding practices
~16:45 : Intimate Sharing
~ 17:00 : Cacao Ceremony
~ 17:45 : Ecstatic Dance
~ 19:45 : Singing Circle/Sound bath
~ 20:15 : Teilete/Potluck

What to bring?

+ A Big Bottle of water
+ Comfortable clothes
+ Open mind
+ Sober body
+ Naked feet
+ Food you like to eat and to share
+ Cash if you want CDs !

Please reserve your place at eventfrog.ch
– 50.- : We support you
– 60.- : You are welcome
– 70.- : You support us
– …. We are all one anyway !


«We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to co-create a safe and a sacred space with you. We wish to manifest harmony within ourselves, with each other and with the world. Let’s celebrate together and may this experience follow us in our everyday life!»

Trust the process
Let yourself be
Listen carefully
Express your truth


  • Beginn

    Samstag, 9. November 2024 18:00
  • Ende

    Samstag, 9. November 2024 22:30
  • Ort

    Schloss Glarisegg Terra Nova


  • Seminarleiter

  • Seminarkosten

    Presale: CHF 40 / 50 / 60 including cacao Door: CHF 60 including cacao

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    Seminarzentrum Glarisegg


    Schloss Glarisegg Betriebsgesellschaft GmbH
    Schloss Glarisegg 1
    CH-8266 Steckborn

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