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So wie die Schneeglöckchen strecken auch wir uns der Sonne entgegen. Zurück aus dem Winterschlaf erwacht unser Seminarzentrum zu neuem Leben.

Wir freuen uns auf viele, bunte Seminare und besonders auf euch, liebe Gäste.


The Tantric Couple – The Seven Veils of Intimacy


Week Long Retreats 2024 with Shashi Soluna and Shane Norton

​October 4th – 11th: The Seven Veils of Intimacy, near Zurich, Switzerland This retreat is a journey into incredible levels of intimacy, veil by veil. Each level of intimacy is fully explored within the boundaries, de-armouring each layer of our intimate being. Long-term couples find that this re-kindles passion like never before, and new couples can use this as a method of discovery and opening each layer together.


The Venue: Schloss Glarisegg, 8266 Steckborn, Thurgau, Switzerland

Long acquainted with exceptional trainings in the areas of spirituality, dance, yoga, tantra, shamanism and sexuality. Our venue offers extensive grounds of over 50,000 m² and a private beach sitting on the bank of lake constance.

​We’ll be nourished an exceptional vegetarian and organic kitchen. At best you’ll enjoy delicious food from their own gardens and at worst from specially approved local organic providers.

How to get there:

  • By Air – Zurich Airport is the closest international airport. International guests will be greeted by a shuttle bus from Zurich Airport on the first and last day of the training.
  • By Car – Driving is easy with the venue being 45 minutes from Zurich, 1hr 30mins from Basel and 3hr 30mins from Geneva. Ride sharing can be arranged after registration via our facebook group.
  • By Train – Trains in Switzerland are excellent. You can expect to travel 1hr by train from Zurich, 2hrs 30mins from Basel and 4hrs from Geneva. Though be aware, you’ll have to add another 30 minutes for the walk from the train station or jump in a taxi.

Accomodation: Double and twin rooms with beds pushed together are provided onsite.



  • Beginn

    Freitag, 4. Oktober 2024 14:00
  • Ende

    Freitag, 11. Oktober 2024 14:00


  • Seminarleiter

Suta Guy Rawson, Shane Norton, Anya-Heidi Oravasaari
  • Seminarkosten

    Last Call – CHF 1300 per person Standard – CHF 1100 per person Early Bird – CHF 900 person Plus CHF 700 pp for seven days of yummy organic vegatarian food and a private room for each couple.

Kontakt und Anmeldung

Wichtiger Hinweis

  • Bitte erkundige Dich zuerst bei der Seminarleitung nach freien Kursplätzen und melde Dich direkt dort an. Anschliessend bitten wir Dich um Deine Buchung von Verpflegung und Unterkunft bei uns im Seminarzentrum Glarisegg über das unten angehängte Reservierungsformular. Vielen Dank.

Reservierung / Anfrage
für Verpflegung & Unterkunft

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    Seminarzentrum Glarisegg


    Schloss Glarisegg Betriebsgesellschaft GmbH
    Schloss Glarisegg 1
    CH-8266 Steckborn

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