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Bewusste Sexualität

ISTA Level One


The Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience Level 1

A near week-long experience that provides essential teachings and experiences around sexuality, emotions and relationships. It gives us the kind of education we should all have received as a child.

As part of this, you will learn to feel, express and challenge all the parts of you. So that you can feel truly alive in your emotions and fully integrated in your body. Thus helping you with the full expression of your life.

As you come to welcome all the parts of you, you’ll increase your ability to welcome all the parts of others. Allowing deeper relationships and greater community.

On top of this, you’ll experience communicating your needs, desires and boundaries; you’ll confront feelings of rejection, unhealthy patterns of relating and walk away feeling seen, heard and met in ways you may never have experienced before. 

If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 6-day event is for you.

more: > www.istaswitzerland.com



·         Regular CHF 2200

·         Early bird (Max 8) CHF 2000

·         Super early bird (Max 5) CHF 1800

·         Repeater (Limited) CHF 1700

·         Assistant (Limited) CHF 1000


Seminar leaders: Lead Facilitator Raffaello Manacorda, co-facilitators Michal Maayan Don and Laura Devi



Please buy your ticket for the training first here > https://www.istaswitzerland.com/

afterwards please book food & accommodation at our place with our > reservation form.



  • Beginn

    Samstag, 14. Oktober 2023 16:00
  • Ende

    Freitag, 20. Oktober 2023 16:00
  • Ort

    Schloss Glarisegg


  • Seminarleiter

  • Seminarkosten

    price CHF 1000 – 2200 / plus food & accommodation

Kontakt und Anmeldung

Wichtiger Hinweis

  • Bitte erkundige dich zuerst bei der Seminarleitung nach freien Kursplätzen und melde dich direkt dort an. Anschliessend bitten wir dich um deine Buchung von Verpflegung und evtl. Unterkunft bei uns im Seminarzentrum Schloss Glarisegg. Am einfachsten geht das über unser Reservierungsformular unter dem Menü-Punkt «Buchung & Kontakt“ und dann „Anfrage / Reservierung Gäste“.

Reservierung / Anfrage
für Verpflegung & Unterkunft

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    Seminarzentrum Glarisegg


    Schloss Glarisegg Betriebsgesellschaft GmbH
    Schloss Glarisegg 1
    CH-8266 Steckborn

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