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So wie die Schneeglöckchen strecken auch wir uns der Sonne entgegen. Zurück aus dem Winterschlaf erwacht unser Seminarzentrum zu neuem Leben.

Wir freuen uns auf viele, bunte Seminare und besonders auf euch, liebe Gäste.

Spiritualität & Bewusst-Sein
Bewusste Sexualität

WILD LOVE Festival Switzerland


Heart Vibration


This Festival is dedicated to experiencing connections and expanding the connection to your vibration of aliveness.

We integrate fields of self-growth and discovery, spirituality, sacred sexuality, sensual experience, healing and transformation.


How can we access our purest radiance?

How do we increase our emotional capacity for love and truth?

What is your heart longing for?

What are you ready to surrender to, in order to truly connect on heart, body and soul level?


Wild Love offers a field where we explore and experience the primordial ecstasy within ourselves through connection with others, embedded in a supportive and embracing community.


Experiencing ourselves as ecstatic beings isn’t always about colorful, expressive sparkles of joy and bliss. It can also be tender, silent, even still… with a slow and soft buzzing breeze. It can show itself in releasing tears and by embracing the full spectrum of the human, emotional ride. And in this you are not alone.


We offer an exceptional frame for you to let your Heart Vibraion come alive!

Workshops will partly be held by the team, these workshops support the group body and frame common experiences.

And there will be many Workshopslots for offerings from the participants, build on the pillars LOVE, RELATIONSHIPS, SEXUALITY, SPIRITUALITY, CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION and EMOTIONAL ALCHEMY.


What you might experience during the festival:

  • Playfulness and joy
  • Expansion of your body awareness
  • Exploration of your physical and emotional boundaries, including tools how to feel safe within your integrity
  • A community which welcomes you as the unique being that you are
  • How to deal with triggers an insecurities, supported by a caring team, transforming difficult emotions into a higher vibration
  • Opening up in vulnerability
  • We meet on a base of presence, “tender curiosity”, self-responsibility, respect and awareness towards others and their being and boundaries


  • Beginn

    Donnerstag, 22. August 2024 15:00
  • Ende

    Sonntag, 25. August 2024 17:00
  • Ort

    Seminarzentrum Glarisegg


  • Seminarleiter

  • Seminarkosten

    siehe Informationen des Veranstalters / zzgl. Übernachtung & Vollverpflegung

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Wichtiger Hinweis

  • Bitte erkundige Dich zuerst bei der Seminarleitung nach freien Kursplätzen und melde Dich direkt dort an. Anschliessend bitten wir Dich um Deine Buchung von Verpflegung und Unterkunft bei uns im Seminarzentrum Glarisegg über das unten angehängte Reservierungsformular. Vielen Dank.

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    Seminarzentrum Glarisegg


    Schloss Glarisegg Betriebsgesellschaft GmbH
    Schloss Glarisegg 1
    CH-8266 Steckborn

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